11.09. / MI / 20:30
Mike Casa Comedy

With +40m views and +2m likes in TikTok & IG, as well as 5’000 tickets sold around Switzerland in 2023, Mike Casa is back in Lucerne! In this stand-up comedy show in English, he will present classic jokes and new jokes to you. With another comedian as an opening act, he will offer you 2 hours of pure entertainment.

Tickets on Eventfrog

17.09. / DI / 20:30
Hobo Ho Invites Nils Fischer (bclr)


21.09. / SA / 22:00
NOMADS transglobal sounds

mit Uncle Dema und DJ U.R.S.N.

24.09. / DI / 20:00
english comedy with Teddy Hall

Flyer Too naughty comedy

Are you a lover? A friend with benefits? A husband? Eternally single? Then this comedy show is for you! A line up of Switzerland’s finest English language comedians will entertain you with tales of misfortune in love, sex, and dating. Bring your date, come alone seeking love, bring your wife, bring your family (if that’s what you’re into), and have a great night! Who knows, you might just meet that special someone…

In the first half we will feature a variety of local comedians and the second half will feature a great headliner. 

The show will be hosted by Teddy Hall and feature guest headlining act Daniel Yazbek, visiting from Amsterdam.

Tickets on eventfrog

26.09. / DO / 21:00
Thursday Night Jazz Jam

SpielenTrinkenLauschenQuatschen und noch vieles mehr… Thursday Night Jazz Jam in der Gewerbehalle!

Instrumente mitbringen und los jamen!

03.10. / DO / 20:00
Logos Plus feat. Nils Striker & Eva Maspoli

Auditives, visuelles & performatives Erlebnis

Mario Dotta  – Plattenspieler, Elektronik

Eva Maspoli – Performance-Art

Daniel Häller – Performance-Art, Tape-Art

Christof Zurbuchen – Alto-Klarinette, Elektronik

Zu Gast: Nils Striker – Drums, Elektronik

04.10. / FR / 20:00
Textsafari mit Dani

05.10. / SA / 21:00
Suicide Catdoors & Chantdesouffrance

Doors 21:00, Konzert 22:00. anschliessend Chantdesouffrance

10.10. / DO / 21:00
Thursday Night Jazz Jam

16.10. / MI / 20:00
Stand up Comedy in broken English

Victor vor Publikum

Laugh with Europe’s comedy nomad Victor Patrascan, as he tells hilarious jokes while asking thought-provoking questions on today’s most controversial topics. You’ll hear jokes on subjects like race and religion all the way to gender and politics. This show is not for the easily offended!

Don’t miss out on Victor’s newest jokes! Victor’s set includes entirely new jokes not heard during his previous appearance in town.

Perfect for locals, expats, and immigrants, this show invites everyone to laugh at modern life’s absurdities. Join us for a show where comedy is at its best – insightful, honest, and uproariously funny.

Tickets on fienta.com

29.10. / DI / 20:30
Hobo Ho Invites Valeria Zangger (dr)


06.11. / MI / 20:00
Der Schwärmer

feiert 25 Jahre Soloprojekt & 50 Jahre Läbe

Flyer der Schwärmer

Bar & Eventlokal
Baselstrasse 46, 6003 Luzern
Telefon: 041 / 360 40 41

für Bands und andere Gross & Kleinkünstler:innen

offen MO – SA ab 17:00


Dein Eventlokal für Geburtstagsparties, Firmenevents und Workshops.

Miete die Gewerbehalle zentral in der Stadt Luzern für deine Geburtstagsparty oder Firmenevent. Für 500 Franken bekommst du dein eigenes Eventlokal mit Sound- und Lichtanlage, Bewilligung, Reinigung, Security und betreuter Bar. Der Eventraum kann auch für Workshops, Präsentationen, Vereinstreffen und Caterings genutzt werden.

Hier der Link zum Technical Rider: PDF-Dokument

Austattung, Konditionen, Mietanfragen: Seite Vermietung